Discernment (2)
There will be true prophets and there will be false prophets. How do we tell them apart?
Wide and narrow
There are many wide roads but only one narrowest way. The wide roads are easy, but the narrow way heads straight up the mountain.
The spirituality of St. John of the Cross
The narrow path is the “way of faith”: not through consolation, sweet feelings, and rewards, but through darkness, dryness and suffering.
Time and eternity
Imagine you are omniscient. You know everything. Your memory is perfect.
The network
If he can be in all places and get down every chimney, does he really need little helper elves?
Rend the heavens!
Apparently Isaiah wasn’t very good at prayer, or maybe he wasn’t righteous enough, or he didn’t have enough faith.
A glorious inheritance
Sometimes I like to pretend that I’m a Christian. What if I really believed that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-generous spirit?
What is a river?
When you pray, do you ever twist God’s arm and try to coerce him into letting _you_ give _him_ something?