Consider the state of the world today. Where do you find joy in this time of discord and division and loss?
Consider the state of the world today. Where do you find joy in this time of discord and division and loss?
Should I do anything and everything that people ask me to do if I am able? Or should I do what I feel like doing? Or what seems to be required of me? Or what I would feel guilty about if I didn’t do it? Or should I do what I “feel called” to do?
I recently saw an episode of the TV show _NCIS_ in which there was a woman who heard a dead man speaking, leading her to find the years-dead body. She intuited how he had been killed and sensed something of his character and the events of his life.
A metaphor is like a gas tank full of alcohol. It’ll get you going, but you don’t want to drive it too far or your vehicle will cough and choke. [How’s that for a meta metaphor?]
You mean I have to sell all that I have? I don’t want to quit doing things I enjoy, or be homeless, or lose all my friends, or be disowned by my family, or be fired from my job, or lose my reputation and be disgraced.
“Set [your] minds on the things of the Spirit.” I can try to set my mind all I like, but each time I try, it bounces back to where it was in about one millisecond. How can I control my thinking like that?
Read Romans 6:1-11 How can you who have died to sin go on living in it? (Romans 6:2) “Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God.” “We boast in our hope of sharing in the glory of God.” “Much more surely then, now that we have Read more…
Read Romans 4:1-5:8. Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. (Romans 5:1-2) I believe Read more…